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According to the certain statistics, a website is usually judged within 10-15 seconds in terms of response, quality, and design. In order to make your audience stay on your site, you need an attractive web design. With flaunting images and motion graphics, there is always an opportunity that visited user will do some activity on your site.

Along with website development services, it is necessary that your team of designers plan for a strategy to upgrade the look-and-feel of the site for better user engagement. When the site loads, users can find the landing page more entertaining to attain the visitors’ attention for more time.

This will require a team that has experience in deploying motion graphics or dynamic content on the site. With top-notch quality and flexibility in visually attractive content, it is possible too to increase the traffic and sharing capability of the website.

Commonly, there are three basic ways to implement animation:

  • Hover Motions: When a user hovered over a sub-layout or image or any content and it moves, the look becomes more dynamic and great to watch.
  • Emphasized Content: This type of animated content brings users’ attention to a particular data or information that is residing alongside of the content.
  • Revealing Layout: This type of layout brings the hidden content or information from the background of the layout and represents it as an additional data.

These commonly used motion graphics are very fascinating to watch and experience for users. As a result, it is easy for the visitors to access every button or expanding sub-lists.

Integration with Semantic Animations

Adding motion to your web application and site will definitely a great option to improve the look of the site. One of the best choices is to utilize semantic animations, which act as a separate entity or lead to another page.

Implementing motion graphics are the most impacting assets to enhance the engagement of the users. Majorly, it will make the users to stay on your site for more time productively and allow them to perform activities.

One of the best examples is Meteor Toy which usually zoomed out when the mouse or cursor is hovered over it. These types of layouts expand when user clicks on them and hidden information is revealed.

Graphical Motion Techniques:

  • Parallax

    This another virtual graphic concept through which users can get 3-D look and feel form the layout. The scroll-based motion graphics move alongside of the landing page and object appear upfront even if they are not focused using the cursor.

    In some instances, objects move faster than they appear and users consider that they are closer. These dynamic layouts are not so heavy for a site page to load quickly and become responsive.

  • In-camera Effects

    One of the most utilized effects using this features is ‘Dolly & Zoom’. These effects act when the camera is rolled upon moving objects. The layout becomes smoother and transition of the visual content looks flaunting. Meter toys are also used in these types of layouts to bring long shot of the objects residing on the landing pages.

The best way to implement motion graphics is to keep the concept creative, follow the designing basics, and implementing the ideas with innovation. Make sure that other assets of the website doesn’t get any impact through these animations. Just keep your focus on these designs and make sure to implement everything with class.

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